Brilliant, Bubbly Brainiacs of Term 4

Saturday, 17 September 2011


Who knew that having fun was good for the brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PMP or Perceptual Motor Programme, is to assist students in their learning by focusing brain activity in the brain. (That's it in a nut shell, but far more complex than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Room 1 and 2, the Brainiaks and Rockets have started the programme again this term, and having great fun with it.
There are six stations, each one developing specific brain functions and body movements. One station is changed each week to maintain development but also the fun for the children. It really is so interesting from a teachers perspective, how children co-ordinate movements in such diverse ways.
Aiden striving for accuracy when balancing
on the low beam.

Wobble boards to centre balance. Following direction
to move minutely left or right. Persistence, Risk Taking
and Accuracy essential.

Hoopla, for hand eye co-ordination. Distance, speed
and accuracy.

See the concentration! You can just about touch it!!!!!!

Balancing the body whilst throwing a bean bag into
a hooper. Taking a Risk, Managing Self and Great Persistence.

Do you remember the good old 'Moon Hopper'?
Yep, you learnt to centralise your body core, as well
as striving for accuracy, taking a particular route.
Yep and you were having fun!

Go go Gabby.

Eye tracking. To focus the
eyes on an object, improve muscle control and strength,
enhance visual stamina.
(Press-ups for the optical muscles... Go the Team.)

Hand and eye co-ordination

Co-ordination of various parts of the body through the
obstacle course. Accuracy in placing the hands, feet essential,
whilst jumping, balancing, and changing direction.
          Kids are learning by having fun and becoming much more receptive, focused and interactive  
                                        learners, by just 'playing' for half an hour a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                             ........'LETS MOVE IT, MOVE IT.... MOVE IT'........

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